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Maximize your Pump: Top Supersets to Pair with Bench Press

Maximize your Pump: Top Supersets to Pair with Bench Press

Maximize your chest gains by supersetting bench press with exercises like flyes, dips, or push-ups. Get ready to feel the burn!

Are you looking to take your bench press game to the next level? One way to do so is by incorporating super sets into your workout routine. Supersets involve performing two different exercises back-to-back with no rest in between. This not only saves time, but it also increases the intensity of your workout and can lead to greater muscle growth and strength gains.

But what exercises should you superset with the bench press? Here are a few options:

1. Incline Dumbbell Flyes

By adding incline dumbbell flyes to your bench press workout, you'll be targeting your chest muscles from a slightly different angle. This can help to improve overall chest development and increase your bench press strength.

2. Pull-Ups

While pull-ups may seem like an odd choice to superset with the bench press, they can actually help to improve your upper body strength and stability. By working your back and biceps during the pull-up, you're strengthening the muscles that help to stabilize your shoulders during the bench press.

3. Tricep Dips

Your triceps play a crucial role in the bench press, so it's important to give them some extra attention during your workout. Supersetting with tricep dips can help to improve tricep activation during the bench press, leading to greater strength gains and muscle growth.

4. Barbell Rows

Barbell rows are a great exercise for building a strong back, which can help to improve your bench press form and overall strength. By supersetting with barbell rows, you're targeting your back muscles while also getting in some extra work for your chest and arms.

5. Push-Ups

Push-ups are a classic exercise that can be done anywhere, making them a great option for supersetting with the bench press. By performing push-ups immediately after your bench press set, you'll be adding an extra challenge to your chest muscles and increasing your overall upper body strength.

6. Cable Flyes

If you have access to a cable machine, incorporating cable flyes into your bench press superset can be a great way to target your chest muscles from a different angle. The constant tension provided by the cable can help to improve muscle activation and lead to greater gains in strength and size.

7. Skull Crushers

Skull crushers are an isolation exercise that specifically target the triceps, making them a great addition to any bench press superset. By strengthening your triceps, you'll be able to lift heavier weights during your bench press sets and see greater gains in strength and muscle size.

8. Lat Pulldowns

Like barbell rows, lat pulldowns are a great way to strengthen your back muscles and improve your bench press form. By supersetting with lat pulldowns, you'll be targeting your back while also getting in some extra work for your chest and arms.

9. Dumbbell Shoulder Press

The shoulder press is another exercise that can help to improve overall upper body strength and stability. By supersetting with dumbbell shoulder presses, you're targeting your shoulders and triceps while also giving your chest muscles a break.

10. Hammer Curls

While hammer curls may seem like an odd choice to superset with the bench press, they can actually help to improve overall arm strength and size. By working your biceps during the hammer curl, you're strengthening the muscles that help to stabilize your shoulders during the bench press.

When incorporating supersets into your bench press workout routine, it's important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity over time. Be sure to choose exercises that complement the bench press and target different muscle groups, and always use proper form to prevent injury.

By incorporating these exercises into your bench press superset routine, you'll be well on your way to achieving your fitness goals and taking your upper body strength to the next level.


Supersetting is an excellent way to increase the intensity and efficiency of your workout. It involves performing two exercises back-to-back with little to no rest in between, which helps to keep your heart rate up and your muscles engaged. When it comes to bench pressing, there are many exercises that you can superset with to target different muscle groups and maximize your gains. In this article, we will discuss some of the best exercises to superset with bench press.

The Benefits of Supersetting

Before we dive into the specific exercises, let's take a moment to explore the benefits of supersetting. First and foremost, supersetting allows you to get more work done in less time. By performing two exercises consecutively, you can train multiple muscle groups simultaneously and keep your heart rate elevated throughout the entire workout. This leads to improved cardiovascular health and increased calorie burn.Another benefit of supersetting is that it helps to prevent boredom and keeps your workouts interesting. If you're someone who gets bored easily with traditional weightlifting routines, supersetting is a great way to mix things up and challenge yourself in new ways. Additionally, supersetting can help to break through plateaus and stimulate new muscle growth by forcing your body to adapt to new stimuli.

Exercises to Superset with Bench Press

Now that we've covered the benefits of supersetting, let's take a look at some of the best exercises to pair with bench press.

Incline Dumbbell Flyes

Incline dumbbell flyes are a great exercise to superset with bench press because they target the upper portion of your chest, which is often neglected during standard bench press movements. To perform incline dumbbell flyes, lie on an incline bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Slowly lower the weights out to the sides, keeping a slight bend in your elbows. Pause at the bottom of the movement, then slowly return to the starting position.

Cable Crossovers

Cable crossovers are another excellent exercise to pair with bench press, as they target the entire chest and help to improve overall chest development. To perform cable crossovers, stand in the center of a cable machine with the pulleys set to a high position. Grab the handles with an overhand grip and step forward, keeping your arms straight. Slowly bring your hands together in front of your body, squeezing your chest muscles at the top of the movement.

Dumbbell Pullovers

Dumbbell pullovers are a classic exercise that have been used by bodybuilders for decades to improve chest and back development. To perform dumbbell pullovers, lie on a flat bench with a dumbbell in both hands. Hold the weight above your chest with your arms straight, then slowly lower the weight behind your head until your arms are parallel to the ground. Pause at the bottom of the movement, then slowly return to the starting position.

Tricep Dips

While not directly targeting the chest, tricep dips are an excellent exercise to perform in conjunction with bench press, as they help to improve overall upper body strength and stability. To perform tricep dips, find a dip station or parallel bars and place your hands on the bars with your palms facing down. Lower your body until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle, then push yourself back up to the starting position.


Push-ups are another classic exercise that can be performed in conjunction with bench press to improve overall chest and tricep strength. To perform push-ups, begin in a plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders. Lower your body until your chest touches the ground, then push yourself back up to the starting position.


In conclusion, supersetting is an excellent way to increase the intensity and efficiency of your workout, and there are many exercises that you can pair with bench press to maximize your gains. Whether you're looking to target specific muscle groups or improve overall upper body strength and stability, these exercises are sure to challenge you in new ways and help you reach your fitness goals. So next time you hit the gym, try incorporating some of these exercises into your routine and see how they can take your workouts to the next level.When it comes to supersetting with bench press, there are a variety of exercises that can help you achieve your desired results. One of the best exercises to superset with bench press is dumbbell flyes. This exercise targets the pectoral muscles in a different way than bench press, helping to improve shoulder stability and flexibility. Another great exercise to superset with bench press is incline dumbbell press. This exercise targets the upper chest muscles and adds variation to your chest workout routine, helping you build a well-rounded chest. Cable crossovers are also a great isolation exercise that targets the chest muscles from a different angle, helping you build more defined and shapely chest muscles when supersetted with bench press. Push-ups are an excellent bodyweight exercise that can be done anywhere, making them a great addition to your bench press superset. Supersets with push-ups can help you increase your overall chest strength and endurance. Seated dumbbell shoulder press is another great exercise to superset with bench press, as it targets the shoulder muscles, which are important for a strong bench press. Supersets can help you improve your overall upper body strength and stability.Triceps dips are a great exercise for targeting the triceps muscles, which play a big role in bench press. Supersetting with bench press can help you build bigger, stronger triceps. Barbell rows are also an excellent exercise for targeting the back muscles, which are important for posture and overall upper body strength. Supersetting with bench press can help you build a well-rounded upper body.Although it may seem unrelated, leg press can actually be a great exercise to superset with bench press. This is because it can help increase overall body strength and stability, which can translate to better bench press performance. Bicep curls, while not directly related to bench press, can help you build bigger, stronger arms, which can be beneficial for overall upper body strength and aesthetics. Finally, plank is another bodyweight exercise that can be done anywhere and is great for improving core strength and stability. Supersetting with bench press can help you build a stronger, more stable upper body overall.

Maximizing Your Bench Press: The Pros and Cons of Supersetting

Supersetting: What is it and Why Do It?

Supersetting involves performing two exercises back-to-back with no rest in between. This type of training can be highly effective for building strength, burning fat, and improving cardiovascular fitness. When it comes to bench pressing, supersetting can help you break through plateaus, build muscle mass, and improve overall performance.

The Pros of Supersetting with Bench Press

1. Increased Time Under Tension: By supersetting bench press with another exercise, you'll be increasing the time your muscles are under tension, which can stimulate greater muscle growth.2. Greater Caloric Burn: Because you're performing two exercises consecutively, you'll be burning more calories than if you were doing just one exercise at a time.3. Variety and Challenge: Supersetting with bench press can add variety to your workout routine and challenge your body in new ways.

The Cons of Supersetting with Bench Press

1. Increased Risk of Injury: Supersetting can increase your risk of injury if you're not careful. Make sure to use proper form, start with lighter weights, and gradually increase the weight as you get stronger.2. Decreased Strength Gains: Because you'll be fatiguing your muscles more quickly, you may not be able to lift as heavy of weights during your bench press sets.3. Increased Fatigue: Supersetting can be more tiring than traditional weightlifting, so make sure to give yourself adequate rest between workouts.

What to Superset with Bench Press: A Table of Exercises

Here are some exercises that you can superset with bench press to maximize your workout:

Exercise Muscles Worked
Incline Dumbbell Press Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Barbell Rows Back, Biceps
Push-Ups Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Lat Pulldowns Back, Shoulders
Tricep Extensions Triceps
Bicep Curls Biceps

Remember, supersetting can be an effective way to take your bench press to the next level, but it's important to listen to your body and avoid overtraining. Incorporate supersetting into your workout routine gradually and always use proper form to minimize your risk of injury.

Maximizing Your Workouts: What to Superset with Bench

Welcome to the world of fitness where there are endless ways to level up your workouts. One popular technique is called supersets, which involves completing two exercises back-to-back with little to no rest in between. This method has been proven to increase muscle endurance, improve cardiovascular health, and elevate calorie burn. In this article, we’ll explore what to superset with bench press to maximize your gains.

First, let’s talk about the bench press itself. This exercise is a compound movement that targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders. It’s a great way to build upper body strength and size but can become stale if you do it repeatedly without variation. That’s where supersets come in.

The first exercise to superset with the bench press is the pull-up. This compound movement targets the back, biceps, and forearms. By pairing the bench press with pull-ups, you’re creating a push-pull dynamic that engages multiple muscle groups and promotes balance in your physique.

Next up is the dumbbell fly. This isolation exercise targets the chest and emphasizes the stretch and contraction of the muscle fibers. By supersetting the bench press with dumbbell flies, you’re increasing the time under tension for your chest muscles and promoting hypertrophy (muscle growth).

If you’re looking to improve your core strength and stability, pairing the bench press with planks is a great option. Planks target the entire core, including the abs, obliques, and lower back. By doing planks in between bench press sets, you’re giving your upper body a break while still working on your core.

Another exercise to consider is the dip. Dips target the triceps, chest, and shoulders and can be done using parallel bars or a dip station. By supersetting the bench press with dips, you’re hitting the same muscle groups from a different angle and increasing overall upper body strength.

If you’re short on time and want to maximize your calorie burn, consider supersetting the bench press with burpees. Burpees are a full-body exercise that combines a squat, push-up, and jump. By doing burpees in between bench press sets, you’re elevating your heart rate and burning more calories in less time.

For those looking to target their shoulders specifically, supersetting the bench press with lateral raises is a great option. Lateral raises target the medial deltoids (the middle part of the shoulder) and can be done using dumbbells or cables. By pairing the bench press with lateral raises, you’re promoting balanced development in your upper body.

If you have access to a cable machine, consider supersetting the bench press with face pulls. Face pulls target the rear delts, upper back, and rotator cuff muscles. By doing face pulls in between bench press sets, you’re improving your posture and reducing the risk of shoulder injuries.

If you’re looking for a challenge, try supersetting the bench press with pull-ups and dips. This combination will engage multiple muscle groups and promote overall upper body strength and size. Be sure to use proper form and technique to avoid injury.

Lastly, don’t forget to stretch and cool down after your workout. This will help prevent muscle soreness and promote recovery. Consider doing some foam rolling, static stretching, or yoga poses to loosen up any tight areas.

In conclusion, there are endless options for what to superset with bench press. Whether you’re looking to increase muscle endurance, promote muscle growth, improve core strength, or burn more calories, there’s a superset for you. Mix and match exercises to keep your workouts challenging and effective.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. I hope you found it informative and helpful in your fitness journey. Remember to always listen to your body and seek professional guidance if needed. Happy lifting!

What to Superset with Bench: Answering the People's Questions

Why Superset with Bench?

Supersetting is a technique in weightlifting where you perform two exercises back-to-back without any rest in between. This method is beneficial because it increases the intensity of your workout, allowing you to work more muscles in less time. When you superset with bench press, you can target your chest, triceps, and shoulders simultaneously.

What Exercises Should I Superset with Bench?

Here are some exercises that you can superset with bench press:

  1. Incline Dumbbell Flyes: This exercise targets your upper chest, making it an excellent complement to the bench press.
  2. Dumbbell Pullovers: This exercise targets your back and chest, making it a great superset for bench press.
  3. Triceps Dips: This exercise targets your triceps, which are heavily involved in the bench press movement.
  4. Shoulder Press: This exercise targets your shoulders, which are also involved in the bench press movement.

How Many Sets Should I Do?

The number of sets you should do depends on your fitness goals. For strength training, aim to do 3-5 sets of 6-8 reps with heavy weights. For hypertrophy (muscle growth), aim to do 3-5 sets of 10-12 reps with moderate weights.

Should I Rest Between Supersets?

You should rest for about 30 seconds to a minute between each superset. This will allow your muscles to recover and prepare for the next set.


Supersetting with bench press is an effective way to work multiple muscle groups at once. Incorporating exercises like incline dumbbell flyes, dumbbell pullovers, triceps dips, and shoulder press can help you get the most out of your workout. Remember to rest between each superset and adjust the number of sets and reps based on your fitness goals.